Qubit Lottery

Quantum Number Generation

world's greatest Physicists say

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet."
Niels bohr
The Many-worlds interpretation is the only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world."
Hugh Everett iii
It is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain this in any way classical way."
richard feynman, Nobel Laureate

What is the Many-worlds Theory?

With the discovery of something called the quantum wave function, physicists realized that their classical theories do not describe how the sub-atomic world really works. Light, electrons, and other sub-atomic particles can reside in a superposition of two states simultaneously (called a qubit). After interacting with macroscopic systems, these “qubits” are forced to decohere into one state or the other. But what happens to the other state? 


The math (i.e., the Schrodinger equation) suggests that each time decoherence occurs, the universe splits into two identical worlds. The only difference between the two worlds is that the particle is in state A in one world and state B in the other world. There are a handful of other theories, all equally bizarre, and no one knows which, if any, is correct. As of today, even the world’s brightest physicists have been unable to refute the Many-worlds theory. In fact, many physicists believe that it is the most straightforward theory of how the universe really works. 


If true, it means that there are potentially infinite other worlds very much like our own out there. More interesting still is that through intentional quantum decoherence, we can actually create more worlds. If done correctly, we can even force specific differences in the worlds created. For example, consider a person who uses a quantum computer to decohere a qubit. If he decides ahead of time that if it comes up in state A, he will eat salmon for lunch, but if in state B, he will eat a cheeseburger. According to the Many-worlds theory, once decoherence occurs, there are two universes, one in which he is eating healthy salmon and another in which he is enjoying a fatty cheeseburger.


The same idea can be extended to playing the lottery. A sequence of decoherence processes can generate quantum numbers (Q-Numbers). In theory, this causes multiple worlds to split off, leaving the player holding a different lottery number in each universe. If done correctly, the player will be holding every possible lottery number across the Many-worlds, thus guaranteeing a win for one of the incarnations!

What We Offer

Qubit Lottery sells sets of numbers generated using quantum processes. Such numbers can be used for a variety of purposes, including playing the lottery. The numbers do not increase a person’s chance of winning the lottery in this world. Rather, they are generated using quantum decoherence, which according to the quantum Many-worlds theory, splits the universe into exactly the number of copies as there are numbers. In each world, the player is holding a different lottery number. This means that either you, or one of your Many-world incarnations, will be holding the winning numbers. 


Qubit Lottery uses a unique recursive binary search algorithm that determines the desired Q-Numbers with exactly the right number of world divisions. The Q-Numbers are based on quantum decoherence, not guesswork, a hunch, or even a standard random number generator. Q-Numbers are critical to achieving the Many-worlds goal of splitting the universe such that every number combination is present in one of the generated universes.


To be clear, your chances of winning the lottery with Q-Numbers in this single world are no different than with any other set of numbers. However, assuming the Many-worlds theory is correct, generating Q-Numbers creates multiple universes with other versions of you, one of whom is guaranteed to be holding the winning number. What’s equally interesting is that the same set of numbers can be played over and over, and each time, you or one of your otherworldly incarnations will, according to the theory, win again and again.

Should You Care?

Even if the Many-worlds theory is true, does it really matter? Maybe, maybe not. As far as physicists know, there is no way for one universe to affect another, but who knows if that will remain true forever. Maybe one day, we will figure out a way to communicate across these worlds or even move from world to world. Regardless of what future discoveries await, knowing that you had a hand in creating multiple universes can offer a unique sense of being part of something much bigger. 


For me personally, I take special joy in knowing that each time I play the lottery using my personally-generated Q-Numbers, I am ensuring that either I or one of my Many-worlds incarnations will win the lottery. Even if I don’t win in this world, I feel like a sense of victory at having changed the lives of another me!

Order your Unique Q-Numbers

If you are up for a little world splitting, order your own personal set of Q-Numbers for the lottery of your choice. Your unique Q-Numbers will be emailed to you within a few hours. Each set of numbers is generated only when the order is received, rather than in advance. This is done because, in theory, this ensures that the current universe and those split off are more closely aligned. 


If you need a special set of universe-splitting Q-Numbers for some other reason, use the Contact button to explain the details of how many numbers, and their respective ranges.

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